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An Android Library that allows you to easily add emoji support to your Android application

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EmojiMenu is an Android Library that allows you to easily add emoji support to your Android application.

The library works by binding two Android Views:


1- Include the EmojiMenu directory as an Android Library Project in your application.

2- Create an 'emojis' folder in your application's assets folder

3- Copy the library emojis assets into your application's emojis or put your own icons in the folder (currently only PNGs are supported).


Declare an EmojiMenu variable in your Android application and load the Emojis:

EmojiMenu emojiMenu = new EmojiMenu(yourFragmentActivity);

Bind your Android Views:

View button = mainActivity.findViewById(yourTriggerView);
EditText input = (EditText) mainActivity.findViewById(yourInputView);
emojiMenu.setBinding(button, input);

emoji menu emoji input